Dr. Pam is a champion for promoting health and mental wellness.
She is insightful, thoughtful and a good listener and problem solver.
Dr. Pam is a lifelong educator and has a huge capacity to coach people during difficult situations.
She truly understands the community and from a mental health perspective knows the importance of promoting equity and diversity.
Sandra Chapman,
Retired/Deputy Brooklyn Borough President
Office of the Brooklyn Borough President
I've had the pleasure of working with Dr. Pam on a personal as well as professional level for over twenty years.
Dr. Pam is an excellent speaker and her book, “Let Me Stop You Right There and 28 Other Lines Every CEO, Manager,
and Supervisor Should Know,” is a must have for any manager who's been flabbergasted by an office encounter.
I’ve heard Dr. Pam talk about caregiving and her upcoming book, “Heroic Caregiver, Lessons Of Resilience, Coping, And Laughter”
will be an unbelievably important resource for caregivers and others who support them.
Cheryl Williams,
Retired Associate Dean
City University of New York
Having the chance to work on an interdisciplinary team with Pam for over a year,
gave me the exquisite opportunity to witness the truth of Thich Nhat Hanh’s words:
“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention.
When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."
This is the case for everyone who has the privilege of working with Pam.
People respond to her charismatic and compassionate leadership,
whether by phone, by zoom, or in person, with courageous honesty and dedication.
Her willingness to share her extensive experience with humility and humor
sets the stage for synergistic brainstorming and solutions.
She is uniquely direct and with a few simple questions simply cuts through
the chaos and goes to the heart of the matter. She is a role model for strong,
professional women everywhere.
Cary Hamilton, LCSW, RPT-S,
Clinical Supervisor
The Hamilton Practice
Dr. Pam is a very insightful and intelligent psychotherapist.
She brings understanding and compassion to everyone she encounters.
Sharing her insight and first-hand experience as a caregiver herself,
she provides valuable information for all caregivers to help them handle what they need
to do while also taking care of themselves. Skillfully coaching, Dr. Pam, supports all on their journey.
Linda Hurwitz
Exit Strategy Consultant
Dr. Pam is great at reminding you that, while you are ‘caregiving,’ you must not forget to ‘give care’ to yourself.
Elizabeth “Dr. E” Carter,
CEO, Corporate
Elevation Strategist